Audrey MCA Pety  ︎ about & contact


I am an experience designer and artist based in Paris.



2016-2021 [current] Industrial Creator Master degree at ENSCI - Les Ateliers, Paris.

2015-1016 Preparatory class to Art and Design Colleges, Ateliers de Sèvres, Paris. Intermedia section.


11.2019 contributor for exhibition ‘Utopian Cities, Programmed Societies’ in Cluj, Roumania, with the installation ‘Who’s Victoria’ (The Paintbrush Factory, November 7th to December 6th). ︎

10.2019 contributor for exhibition ‘The Post Digital Condition’ in Dortmund curated by Lasse Schierfig, with the installation ‘the Internet Travel Agency’ (Künstlerhaus, October 18-21th). ︎

05.2019 •  first price of  the student creation award of the University of Paris, for the exhibited installation ‘Watery Topography of the Floor’  (Campus Pierre et Maire Curie, May 9-24th). ︎

09.2018 • selected  for the Invisible Film Programm, by Alexandra Midal, at the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial, for the film ‘FROM THE REVERSE’ (a 12 minutes video).

19 - 21.09.2018selected for the exhibition ‘PLUS MOINS PLUS’ curated by the TREVE (Tackling a Revolution in Energy : Viewpoints across Europe) European student group. My installation STYX was displayed at 24, Lhomond Street in Paris. ︎

05.2018 •  Set design for ‘L’Enfant et les Sortilèges’, a lyric fantasy by Colette and Maurice Ravel for 15 singers, directed by Ariane Issartel at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Theater in Paris, on May 2018.

04-05.2017 •  Laureate of the contest PARIS x BERLIN organised by the Cultural Student Centers of the two cities.
05.2017 •  Opening exhibition ‘See through the blackout’ in Berlin (Freiraum, May 25th).

04.2017 •  Opening exhibition ‘Whale’ in Paris (12 Rue de l’Abbaye, April 19th).

03.2017 •  Exhibition at Saint-Étienne Design Biennial with the team ‘Atelier des Communs’ directed by Matali Crasset.

photography : Yunya Hung 

webdesign : Audrey MCA Pety - 2019
( cargowebsite )

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